1 I


It’s going to change.


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going to























When the elevator stops and the doors open, he sees Svoboda Square stretching out in front of him, he quickly jumps out and goes to the train station. He buys a Brno-Pilsner ticket and when he arrives home in Pilsner late at night, he takes the stairs. The kids are already sleeping and his wife asks him where he’s been. Scene.

Tell. Retell. Show off. Show heels. Spit. Respite. Be. Beat. Pavel Novotný told me once that “fuck” is a poetic word. To this day I don’t know how to respond to that. I can say the same about what I was told by Jiří Cieslar, Magdalena Kratochvílová, Aleš Misař, Petr Štengl, Petr Pavlič, Marie Kratochvílová, Jan Popelář, Jan Bludař, Steve McQueen, Peter Brooks, Stanley Fish, Jacques Rupnik, Michael Jackson, Steve Wonder, Samantha from Sex and the City, allemansdikt. Nei, vi har ikke prøvd med norsk da. Men det blir enda mer uforstårlig, hvis jeg fortsetter sånt. Kanskje kan jeg prøve det litt pga et meget begrenset ordforråd jeg har i dette språket. Da ser virkeligheten ut å være mye enklere, hvis vi er enige med Wittgensteins ord som jeg frykter at jeg tok inn som en tankeklisje. Den som lar seg begrense av språket og vil hevde at den utgjør verdensgrensen for ham eller henne, får livet fattigere enn det er. Jeg vil ikke ha verdensgrenser tilpasset språkets grenser, men det ser ut at å overvinne denne kløften mellom begge to grensene er hvis ikke umulig så veldig vanskelig. Er det sant at jeg der hvor jeg snakker norsk, ser mindre eller har mindre sans for realitet enn i landet jeg kommer fra eller i Tyskland, som var på en måte mitt andre hjem. Og hvis jeg nevner dette, da må jeg fortsette med å t



Ondřej Buddeus — A me


Is part of Ondřej Buddeus‘s participation in the Adaptation.


“But the need to adapt, uncoordinatedly, individualistically, without any authority, leader and order, to changes we initiate ourselves. Adaptation signifies now (asynchronously) and here (various places) an affinity with Utopia, which remains a non-place. Adaptation to conditions of reality which the collective dialectic of individuals without leader and order themselves create.“


Babi Badalov, Hafiz, Lia Perjovschi, Loulou Chérinet, Ondřej Buddeus, Ruti Sela, Shady Elnoshokaty, Vít Havránek, Xu Tan, Zbyněk Baladrán.



Curatorial Consultant Visual Arts:

Anne Faucheret


Translation: © Tereza Novická, 2013.

Graphic design: www.mutanta.com


We would like to thank all participants of the festival who took part in the project.


We would also like to thank

the following individuals:

Hana Buddeus, Věra Krejčová,

Antonín Mareš


Published by Steirischer Herbst Festival

GMBH Graz 2012 in collaboration with




© Ondřej Buddeus, 2013

ISBN: 978-80-87259-18-4


steirischer herbst festival gmbh

Sackstraße 17 / 8010 Graz / Austria



Land Steiermark Kultur

Stadt Graz Kultur

Bundesministerium für Unterricht,

Kunst und Kultur

Programm Kultur 2007-2013 der

Europäischen Gemeinschaft

Graz Tourismus



Legero / con-tempus.eu

Steiermärkische Sparkasse
