1 D


It’s a very common life.  I’m an art student and a performance artist. I’m Italian, but I’m based in Amsterdam and it’s a fake base because I’m never there. I have the consciousness that every step I take, every enjoyment I have of any kind, it is on the back of somebody else and I have to deal with that. I also know that it’s not my personal problem, it’s a political problem of everybody and I try in that kind of struggle to understand the living condition out of which I was born – I could have been born somewhere else and what I am interested in is what can we make out of this. That’s life.


2 D


It’s a very common condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.  Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself refers to a person who is studying at a school or college and an artist of an art form that combines visual art with dramatic performance. Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself refers to a person of Italian descent, but the person is based in the capital and largest city of the Netherlands and it’s a fake main place where the person works or stays because the person is never there. Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself refers to a person who is in awareness of the mind of itself and the world that every action, especially one of a series taken in order to deal with or achieve a particular thing the speaker takes, every state or process of taking pleasure in something the speaker has of any kind, it is on the back of somebody else and the speaker has to deal with that.

Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself refers to a person who also knows that it’s not a personal matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome belonging to or associated with the speaker, it’s a political matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome of everybody and the pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself refers to a person who tries in that kind of forceful or violent effort to get free of restraint or resist attack to understand the living circumstances affecting the way in which people live or work out of which the speaker was born – pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself refers to a person who could have been born somewhere else and what the speaker is interested in is what can the pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together make out of this. That’s the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.


Two patterns are drawn with black paint on the walls: on the left, there is a vertical, about 1.5 meters long black line of about 7 mm width on which there are 8 short horizontal lines in regular intervals, on the right, there are 8 short lines on the wall that converge in one point where a black elastic band emerges from and connects both geometrical figures. The room is located on the first floor of an apartment building in the center of Graz. The same building and same floor house a series of other rooms, in some of them, people sleep, some served Babi, Tan, Hafiz, Zbyněk and Vít for the installation of the exhibition, in others, lectures are given, there are the same tables like the one Ondřej is sitting at in one of them, other people sit at these tables in front of computers and are probably communicating with other people in front of computers in other places across the world, or they’re sitting at those computers and talk to each other when the internet connection drops. In the room Ondřej is sitting in, there are also shoes, socks, pants, briefs, a belt, a shirt, a sweater and shawl that Ondřej is wearing and a pair of earplugs he has in his ears. The building is situated in front of an intersection where a smaller road veers off to the left from the larger one-way road on the right-hand side. It leads to a square with various wooden booths (a few bakeries, Chinese noodles, presumably a flower shop, sausages, frankfurters, weißwursts). The one-way road connects to a larger two-way road. Both intersections, the small one directly in front of the building and the big one with the traffic lights, are 20 meters apart from each other. Across from the building that Ondřej is sitting in, there is a three-storey theater building, where in its hall lectures take place that are connected to the theme of the festival and in connection to it, the exhibition is also taking place where Ondřej is sitting in one of the rooms. Ondřej just lifted his head from his computer and looked at the projector attached to the opposite wall and noticed that in the stream of light just at the objective lens there is a movement of

[Das ist der Künstler... hmm – hätte ich nicht die Ohrstöpsel, würde ich mich vielleicht auch etwas schämen, aber da ich – Gott sei Dank – fast nichts höre, kann ich hier auch ruhig weiter arbeiten. Mit dieser Aktion wollte ich eigentlich nur eines probieren – ich arbeite hier die ganze Zeit mit Sprachen – Sprachen der Menschen, mit denen ich spreche und Sprachen der Wörterbücher, wobei ich aber auch mein eigenes Idiom habe, meine Sprache, und hier versuche ich mich einfach auf das Eigene zu konzentrieren – 12 Stunden lang. Normalerweise spreche ich kein Deutsch, bin ja Tscheche, aber man kann die Sprache auch wechseln. Eigentlich ist es nicht wirklich angenehm, beschrieben zu werden, das, was die Führerin sagt – nee, das bin wirklich nicht ich, aber so ist das – wir werden beschrieben und die Beschreibung macht uns fremd sowohl gegenüber uns selber als auch vor den anderen. Hätte dich deine Freundin ihrer Freundin beschrieben, warst du es wirklich, wen sie beschrieben hatte? Bin ich als Person etwa nicht von der Sprache, die mich repräsentiert, abhängig? Das weiß ich ja nicht. Was da raus kommt, weiß ich kaum. – Ich höre dich wirklich nicht! Ab und zu ein paar Wörter schon – aber genau ist es nicht. Tut mir leid.



Ondřej Buddeus — A me


Is part of Ondřej Buddeus‘s participation in the Adaptation.


“But the need to adapt, uncoordinatedly, individualistically, without any authority, leader and order, to changes we initiate ourselves. Adaptation signifies now (asynchronously) and here (various places) an affinity with Utopia, which remains a non-place. Adaptation to conditions of reality which the collective dialectic of individuals without leader and order themselves create.“


Babi Badalov, Hafiz, Lia Perjovschi, Loulou Chérinet, Ondřej Buddeus, Ruti Sela, Shady Elnoshokaty, Vít Havránek, Xu Tan, Zbyněk Baladrán.



Curatorial Consultant Visual Arts:

Anne Faucheret


Translation: © Tereza Novická, 2013.

Graphic design: www.mutanta.com


We would like to thank all participants of the festival who took part in the project.


We would also like to thank

the following individuals:

Hana Buddeus, Věra Krejčová,

Antonín Mareš


Published by Steirischer Herbst Festival

GMBH Graz 2012 in collaboration with




© Ondřej Buddeus, 2013

ISBN: 978-80-87259-18-4


steirischer herbst festival gmbh

Sackstraße 17 / 8010 Graz / Austria



Land Steiermark Kultur

Stadt Graz Kultur

Bundesministerium für Unterricht,

Kunst und Kultur

Programm Kultur 2007-2013 der

Europäischen Gemeinschaft

Graz Tourismus



Legero / con-tempus.eu

Steiermärkische Sparkasse
