1 A


I make films. I want to make films by myself, to be a director or something like that because I want to tell stories. I need to produce something where I can say: This is from me and that’s my idea. I think that’s important, I need to do that. Maybe because I am fascinated by life, I think there are good stories around us.


2.1 A


Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself makes films. Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself wants to make films by itself, to be a director or something like that because Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself wants to tell stories. Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself needs to produce something where Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself can say: This is from me and that’s my idea. Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself thinks that’s important, Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself needs to do that. Maybe because Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself is fascinated by life, Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself thinks there are good stories around us.


2.2 A


Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself refers to a person who makes motion pictures as art or industry. Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself refers to a person who wants to make motion pictures as art or industry by itself, to be the person who supervises the actors, camera crew, and other staff for a movie, play, television program, or similar production or something like that because pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself refers to a person who wants to tell an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment. Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself refers to a person who needs to make or manufacture from components or raw materials something where pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself refers to a person who can say: This is from me and that’s my concept or mental impression. Pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself refers to a person who thinks that’s of great significance or value; likely to have a profound effect on success, survival, or well-being, pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself refers to a person who needs to do this. Maybe because pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself refers to a person who is fascinated by the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death, pronoun used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself refers to a person who thinks there are good accounts of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment around us.



Everything can be coated in this gravy, gravy according to a homemade recipe, and then eaten with relish, with relish of your own. I’m not making hasty conclusions. I’m sitting in this room of irregular quadrangular proportions with ceilings five meters high in a house at a junction near the Graz opera, where the autumn activist festival takes place, its ideal being to intersect all kinds of ideas, methods, strategies, incidents and the people involved and I just think, I isolate myself, I don’t communicate and try not to think about anything anymore because that’s how I defend myself against that around me. They’re supposed to have the largest collection of medieval weapons and armor in the world here. Too bad a municipal library isn’t right next to this museum on Herrenstraße, I would have the feeling of being at home in either place. I am home. Home. Ho-me. Me. Me. Me. Repetition. I’m staying in a hotel. Roomz would also be a good name for a horror flick. A plastic building with a plastic interior consisting of semi-graceful shapes. A greenish black monotony and tiny windows to save money. They smile at you as if you were a commodity they liked. When we moved from Florence, which Hana and I fell in love with after those two years, I couldn’t imagine us living somewhere else. I’m so dependent on my surroundings that I was afraid I would suddenly have to completely change my way of thinking. A different building, a different floor, a different view. Your body moves along different trajectories, it can’t avoid impact and contact. But in the end, it turned out to be nonsense, that it’s more than enough to be there with her, and the rest will sort itself out somehow. To simply be there, to be as in to totally, absolutely be. And you can’t just not be in that dialogue we constantly have. Hi, there you are and how are you there, where are you staying? Not “How are you?”, but rather “Are you? – ok, and HOW?” And you don’t answer the question how with fine... fine, but with whom, and how. You actually don’t answer at all, you are just there. So if we suddenly had to stay here, if something, I-don’t-know-what happened, but the state border was simply closed without discussion, I would eventually feel at home here. Just now the thought of Antonín Mareš crossed my mind, he lives in Munich with Jana. He misses the language of Boskovice in Moravia that melded him. He kept it and he speaks as he did when they left Czechoslovakia in ’68. The language defines him to such an extent that he stands out in Munich tremendously. When the wind blows for instance from the north, all the grass bends to the south, but Mareš’s blade stands out to the north, trembling. This is a stupid metaphor. Imagine rather a kitchen fan and ribbons attached to it. The fan revolves, the ribbons flutter down the airflow, but this one just won’t straighten out and keeps snagging on the propeller. No, that’s still not it, these are still just words and words and they’re completely non-adhesive to what I’m describing to you. You’d have to employ a large amount of empathy or better yet, you’d have to know Mareš. Anne just came running here, I can’t talk to her, I don’t want to, I didn’t look at her, she said something to me, you won’t be the only one reading this letter.



Ondřej Buddeus — A me


Is part of Ondřej Buddeus‘s participation in the Adaptation.


“But the need to adapt, uncoordinatedly, individualistically, without any authority, leader and order, to changes we initiate ourselves. Adaptation signifies now (asynchronously) and here (various places) an affinity with Utopia, which remains a non-place. Adaptation to conditions of reality which the collective dialectic of individuals without leader and order themselves create.“


Babi Badalov, Hafiz, Lia Perjovschi, Loulou Chérinet, Ondřej Buddeus, Ruti Sela, Shady Elnoshokaty, Vít Havránek, Xu Tan, Zbyněk Baladrán.



Curatorial Consultant Visual Arts:

Anne Faucheret


Translation: © Tereza Novická, 2013.

Graphic design: www.mutanta.com


We would like to thank all participants of the festival who took part in the project.


We would also like to thank

the following individuals:

Hana Buddeus, Věra Krejčová,

Antonín Mareš


Published by Steirischer Herbst Festival

GMBH Graz 2012 in collaboration with




© Ondřej Buddeus, 2013

ISBN: 978-80-87259-18-4


steirischer herbst festival gmbh

Sackstraße 17 / 8010 Graz / Austria



Land Steiermark Kultur

Stadt Graz Kultur

Bundesministerium für Unterricht,

Kunst und Kultur

Programm Kultur 2007-2013 der

Europäischen Gemeinschaft

Graz Tourismus



Legero / con-tempus.eu

Steiermärkische Sparkasse
